Tag Archives: Public Health

Today is Black HIV Awareness Day. Do you know your status?

By Barrett White “I don’t have HIV, I’m not gay,” said Kalvin Marshall, in disbelief, at learning he was living with HIV. But he was and so was his wife Eunice. The Marshalls are members of Positive Organizing Project (POP+), an advocacy training program designed by and for people living with HIV/AIDS. They were given …

Mythbusting the HIV stigma

By Barrett White   If you’re unsure how HIV is spread, or how to prevent it, you’re not alone. Is AIDS the same thing as HIV? Is there a cure for AIDS? We took these common questions, beliefs, and misconceptions into consideration and created this handy mythbusters guide to HIV/AIDS with the help of Legacy’s …

Millennials Are Ditching the Primary Care Doctor

By Barrett White Millennials, the generation born roughly between the late 1980s and new millennia, are not kids anymore. As young adults however, a trend has emerged among them suggesting that many millennials without a chronic condition are opting not to stick with their family’s primary care physician. Every generation has evaded primary care in …

Sign up for a Legacy Public Health Class

A patient who is educated about their health is the best advocate for their own care. That is why we work with individuals, health care providers and communities to improve health outcomes. We are able to accomplish this through our education classes at many of our clinics and at community locations across Southeast Texas. Here …

Legacy Pediatrics: Your Child and the Flu Vaccine

By Carolina Boyd The flu is more dangerous than the common cold for children. That’s why the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends a yearly flu vaccination for all children six months and older. Last year’s flu season was one of the deadliest. More than 2,150 people died from the flu in the …

Today is National Latino AIDS Awareness Day

By Barrett White According to the CDC, nearly one quarter of all new HIV diagnoses in the United States were among Latino individuals, and yet Latino people make up only 3% of those receiving PrEP, the pill to prevent HIV, according to the CDC’s current estimates. Launched in 2009, Greater Than AIDS is an organization …

HIV goes overlooked in Dallas, on the rise in Houston

By Barrett White   In a study led by Zachary Most, MD, of the Pediatric Infectious Disease department at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, it was revealed that in adolescent patients living with HIV, there were a significant number of MOEs, or “missed opportunity encounters”. These MOEs mean that these patients could have …

ADHD, syphilis and AIDS are most googled health searches in U.S.

What medical concern has Texans turning to the internet for answers? That would be Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Because of Google, there is a wealth of information – some good, some not-so-good – on whatever ailment you may have. Medical Health Plans—a site devoted to researching consumer health insurance—put together a list of the most searched health conditions in each state.

September is Prostate Health Month—Are You Prepared?

As men approach their 50th birthday, the dreaded landmark looms ahead: The prostate exam. The exam might be the butt of plenty of jokes for middle-aged men, the importance of it is no laughing matter.

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