Tag Archives: Public Health

Mental Health Mondays – Don’t Give Up: 4 Ways to Stay Grounded in Behavioral Health Care

As a behavioral health consultant at Legacy’s Montrose clinic, I often am referred patients that are in crisis. A behavioral health crisis is a state of temporary distress, which can be caused by psychological burnout, sleep deprivation, severe over work, traumatic events or an untreated mental health disorder. An untreated mental health disorder in combination with chronic health issues, relationship problems, grief or a change in housing or job status can be burdensome and lead to an inability to function.

Hey, Pregnant Ladies: Control Gestational Diabetes with These 7 Tips

If it’s uncontrolled, it can lead to complications; so, it’s important to know how to manage it.

Disney Awards Grant to Legacy’s “Little Readers” Initiative

Legacy’s “Little Readers” celebrates Disney grant with commemorative for pediatric patients.

Legacy Community Health, one of Texas’ largest community health systems, wins a Disney Be Inspired Grant for its Legacy’s Little Readers program, which has provided 47,000 books at no cost to the health center’s pediatric patients. The Little Readers program is in partnership with H-E-B and the Barbara Bush Literacy Foundation. The $500 grant was awarded to Legacy on behalf of Emily Wang, a 17-year-old student volunteer.

5 Focus Areas for Diabetes Self-Care During the Holiday Season

As we enter full-force into the holiday season, it’s a great time to focus on your diabetes self-care and also remind yourself that there are many things that you can do to prevent or delay diabetes symptoms.

HIV Advocacy Week and World AIDS Day

For the first time, on the week of Nov. 27, END HIV Houston (END) will be leading a local advocacy week to bring more urgency to ending the HIV epidemic in Houston.

Get Your Flu Shot

 By Legacy Communications  Flu season is here. Here’s what you need to know. What is the Flu Vaccine? The flu vaccine is updated each to protect against the most common influenza issues. Why vaccinate? Influenza can lead to hospitalization, sometimes death. The best flu protection is to vaccinate each year. When? Flu season is between October …

Mental Health Mondays: When PTSD comes knocking

On average, 15 percent of veterans who served in Vietnam, Desert Storm and or Operation Iraqi/Enduring Freedom are thought to have suffered from PTSD at some point, according to the National Center for PTSD.

But PTSD is not confined to the military.

Warning: STDs are on the rise

A new report from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis are on the rise in the U.S. If left untreated, these sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can cause an increased risk of getting HIV, long-term abdominal/pelvic pain and fertility problems.

Women: Prevent Breast Cancer. Get Your Mammogram.

October is breast cancer awareness month — and for good reason. After skin cancers, breast cancer is the most common cancer in American women and the second-leading cause of cancer death among women.

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