Tag Archives: Southwest

Mental Health Mondays: When PTSD comes knocking

On average, 15 percent of veterans who served in Vietnam, Desert Storm and or Operation Iraqi/Enduring Freedom are thought to have suffered from PTSD at some point, according to the National Center for PTSD.

But PTSD is not confined to the military.

Mental Health Mondays: Overcoming post-Harvey emotions

When hurricane Harvey flooded Houston, Melinda Ainsworth’s anxiety quickly rose. Her home didn’t flood, but she was overwhelmed by the loss of life and physical devastation all around her. And she’s not alone. Post-Harvey stress is quite common.

Mental Health Mondays: 5 Tips to Destress

Between hurricane Harvey, back to school and a busy work schedule, life can get stressful. Learn how to unwind with this quick video.

Warning: STDs are on the rise

A new report from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis are on the rise in the U.S. If left untreated, these sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can cause an increased risk of getting HIV, long-term abdominal/pelvic pain and fertility problems.

Mental Health Mondays: Understanding ADHD

Understanding ADHD Title Adult Child

Approximately 11 percent of all children are diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the disorder affects adults, too. With diagnoses on the rise, most have heard of ADHD. But do you really understand it?

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