Tag Archives: Transgender Health

Navigating the Trans Experience During Coronavirus/COVID-19

The Transgender Education Network of Texas is offering guidance for transgender patients during the pandemic. By Barrett White   The Transgender Education Network of Texas (TENT) provides shelter and safety for transgender Texans every day in the form of resources, community activism, and even grassroots work in Austin, but their work is especially important during …

Save the Date: 2020 Legacy HIV Day in our Nation’s Capital

By Carolina Boyd The New Year brings a first for Legacy Community Health. Texas’ largest Federally Qualified Health Center is hosting its first-ever HIV Day in Washington, DC on March 29-31, 2020. The event is being held in conjunction with AIDS United’s AIDSWatch 2020. Three Legacy patients will be selected to attend the event through …

Legacy Honors Transgender Day of Remembrance

November 13 through November 19 is Transgender Awareness Week, followed by Transgender Day of Remembrance on November 20. During this time, Legacy honors the transgender community who have helped pave the way for LGBTQ+ equality. By Barrett White   The LGBTQ+ community has seen much progress over the last 50 years. Individuals identifying as lesbian, …

Disparity, Dysphoria, and Deadnaming: Addressing the Health Care Gap for Transmen

According to a study published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, only 29 percent of providers were comfortable providing a cervical cancer screening to a transgender man. Eleven percent flat-out refused. Legacy aims to tackle the disparity. By Barrett White   Accessing health care can sometimes feel like an uphill battle regardless of who …

Build Your Body: Legacy’s Felicia Lee-Sexton on Building Confidence

People living with HIV may find it difficult to keep muscle mass. Transgender individuals often look to build a physique to match their gender. Enter Legacy’s Body Positive program. By Barrett White   For those living with HIV and struggling with wasting, or those in transition who are looking to form their bodies to match …

Houston and Beaumont Celebrate 50 Years of the Modern LGBTQ Movement

It’s been 50 years since the birth of the modern LGBTQ liberation movement. How two cities—one that has celebrated Pride for five years, and one for over forty—are showing up for equality. By Barrett White   Incredibly, it’s been 50 years since the modern movement toward LGBTQ rights was kicked off at the Stonewall Inn …

Honoring the community on National Long-Term Survivors Day

June 5 is National Long-Term Survivors Day. Many of those who survived the height of the AIDS crisis are aging, and what that can mean for HIV treatment. By Barrett White   When the virus first struck the United States, it was considered fatal. Just before the crisis began, Montrose Clinic—what Legacy was known as …

Your Favorite Legacy Stories

By Barrett White   Each week, Legacy brings you health news, tips, and patient stories. Now that we’re a week into 2019, we took a look back on what you enjoyed the most based on your likes, shares, click-throughs, and comments. Here are a few of your favorite stories from 2018. 1. Seven Ways to …

Legacy Montrose Lights Building in Honor of Transgender Day of Remembrance

Pictured: The Legacy Montrose building lit for Transgender Day of Remembrance in 2017.   By Barrett White Each year on November 20, we observe International Transgender Day of Remembrance. This year, Texas saw the murders of Dallas resident Karla Patricia Flores-Pavon and Brandi Seals, who was right here in Houston—and who was identified by the …

Administration’s Transgender Proposal Not Based on Medical Science

Legacy Community Health, the largest community health center in Texas, today opposed the Trump Administration’s effort to re-write the way transgender Americans are treated under civil rights law.  The Administration is looking into making the legal definition of sex as a “biological, immutable condition,” thereby cutting transgender people out of civil rights protections. “Stigma and …

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