Tag Archives: Women’s Health

Legacy Observes National Eating Disorders Awareness Week

This week is National Eating Disorders Awareness Week. It’s a time for us to learn, share, and support each other on a topic that touches many lives, maybe even our own or those of people we care about. Eating disorders can lead to serious health outcomes and can affect anyone. The good news is, help …

Legacy Observes National Women and Girls HIV Awareness Day

National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NWGHAAD) is an annual observance that takes place on March 10. By Barrett White   Did you know that a woman in Texas is diagnosed with HIV every 12 hours? Though the HIV epidemic may not get as many headlines, HIV infections are still on the rise. This …

March 10 is National Women and Girls HIV Awareness Day

National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NWGHAAD) is an annual observance that takes place on March 10. By Barrett White   Did you know that a woman in Texas is diagnosed with HIV every 12 hours? Though the HIV epidemic may not get as many headlines, HIV infections are still on the rise. This …

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