Smoking is considered one of the most addicting habits and one of the most difficult habits to quit. Most adults who start smoking in their teens never expected to become addicted to it.

The Effects of Cigarette Smoking
There’s no question about it – smoking is an unhealthy habit that can shorten your life by at least 10 years. Health hazards associated with smoking include cancer almost anywhere in the body, emphysema (chronic lung damage), lung disease, heart disease, gum disease and an increased risk of illnesses. In addition to these health effects, smoking may cause physical and mental health effects such as:
- Bad breath and stained teeth
- Poor smelling clothes/hair
- Reduced athletic performance and overall endurance
- Financial constraints due to the high cost of cigarettes
These days, smoking is banned in most public places and cigarette companies are no longer allowed to advertising due to the known health effects. However, people will still try it, keep doing it and sometimes get addicted to it.